Thanks for posting. In fact the title is not LUX, but the word 'FLUXUS' is written around the hat I draw on my self portrait. (but LUX is not bad either ;-)). Jan-Willem Doornenbal
This is a mail art exhibition based on the idea that the more dynamic you think you are, the more likely the opposite is true. Calls for entries have been posted at various web sites and mail art groups. Direct mailings soliciting admissions have also been sent. Thanks for visiting. Hope you'll create and send some art my way soon.
To participate in this project:
e-mail your artwork to:
if you prefer to use land mail, please e-mail for the land mail address
Thanks for posting. In fact the title is not LUX, but the word 'FLUXUS' is written around the hat I draw on my self portrait. (but LUX is not bad either ;-)).
Jan-Willem Doornenbal
PS: this, and other stuff, can be found on my website
I will change the name. Thanks for pointing it out.
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